12 May 2009

Things could be worse...

I was miserable, then someone told me "smile and be happy, things could be worse". So I smiled and was happy...and they were right, things did get worse!

I suppose the person who told me not to worry today had the best of intentions in mind. But the words he chose have stayed with me for most of today. "Don't worry - things could be worse". He then proceeded to give me a list of things that would be worse than the current issues that I'm working through at work... however, I couldn't help but remember the phrase at the top of this entry. Those who read this blog regularly know that I'm seeking to trust God more and more in all aspects of my life. Psalm 55:22 (NIV) says "Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall." Therefore, I am trusting Him to see me safely through the mire that I see all around me. I'm assured that those that wait patiently for God do not wait in vain. What I don't know is God's timescale, or how He's going to do it. Or even if things could get worse before they get better.

Lord, hear my prayer.

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